Before the age of 20 I lived my life in Novosibirsk, Russia. My mother cooked every meal for me & she cooked every meal with love. In Russia, food is a vital part of every family & especially important in bringing everyone together. I believe food is as important to every culture, & there is a great sense of culture in all food.
When I moved from Russia alone, there was only myself to rely on. On my travels I met amazing friends from around the world. When I lived in Estonia I met one of my best friends, Andrea my then Italian roommate. He would share his family recipes with me & I became very interested in different culture & their ways of cooking. Andrea inspired my love of food & from then onwards whenever I travelled I would always seek new cultural food experiences.
My first question when retiring from ballet & moving to Australia was to my wife… “What should I do for work here?”, I was surprised to hear her answer wasn’t ballet & teaching related, “Just go to your favourite restaurant & show them how passionate your are about your cooking & food”.
That’s what I did, & here I am now.
Creating, cooking & capturing in the kitchen.